www.cnbabytricycle.comFirst maintenance is particularly important
Car maintenance called for the first time children cars manufacturer to go to maintenance or running-on maintenance, according to the models of different walking together maintenance kilometers kilometers within 1500 km from 3000 km to 5000 km range, and the caution period, running-maintenance china ride on cars a top priority. At the discretion of the period, the first thing to note is the load capacity of the vehicle is not too high, even if the ride on cars supplier car industry should not be able to ride the five people full of people, one or two people in this period drove everywhere best to. Never outset on the choice of the road drove go more complicated pavement, for example: potholes truth, unusually crowded roads (vehicle stop and go on the run-in period is very bad) go smoother the highway, so that the operation of the vehicle in a fluid state. Then the problem of speed, a lot of people know the speed of the run-in period is not too fast, this is correct, but the experienced people know, from time to time that running high-speed run-in period of the vehicle instead helpful because not only the engine, transmission, four mechanical systems as well as the tires need a certain speed under sustained warm-up, let "communicate" with each other to achieve the best results.